Friday, September 2, 2011

The "When" of God

2Samuel 5:24
When you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the trees, act decisively. For at that moment the Lord is going before you to strike down the army of the Philistines.” 
David listened, heard and acted. It was a day of victory that helped establish him as king.
“When you hear the sound…”
We must learn to hear the sound of God moving or we will miss the “When” of God.
How often have we missed the perfect moments to act when He said, “Now is the time,” and we failed to hear.
One of the reasons may be that most of the time we are telling God how and when to move.
We are so involved giving Him directions that we fail to learn and to nurture our spirit to hear his voice.
David heard God, because he was a man who desired to hear from God, rather than being heard by God.
When our prayer carries an agenda for God, we will always fail to hear the still small voice, the voice that requires our concentrated attention and vigilance.
That comes from those times of intimacy when we learn to listen without intrusion. 
Times of listening without having to hear our own ideas and opinions.
Times of restful contemplation on the very nature of the one who loves us.
Listening is a greatly neglected form of prayer; it means that we must silence the desire to hear our own voice and submit to the sound that speaks deeply to our spirit.
Without the ability to hear the heart of God we will miss the moment when He tells us, “Now!” simply because we have failed to recognize the moment of action.
Most of us fail to hear and therefore fail to act not because of disobedience, but because we did not hear.
We fail to move because we do not recognize the clear voice telling us that this is the moment when He proclaims that the time the time to act is now.
God’s “when” moment is always perfect, it is our responsibility to recognize  it.
Are we prepared to recognize the “When” of God?