The two followed at a short distance… wondering about the prophet’s declaration; “Behold, the Lamb of God!”
What did that mean?
It compelled them to follow him at a short distance, expectant and hesitant.
Suddenly he turned and they were face to face. “What do you seek?” “What do you want?” he asked.
The only thing they could think of was, “Where are you staying?” “Where do you live?”
Their tension was tangible, unsure how Jesus would respond to them; after all, they were strangers and the disciples of another.
“Come and see.” And they followed.
The hours with him passed quickly; it was enough to convince them that he was the one the scriptures spoke about.
Andrew, one of the two, left to seek his brother.
All he could say was, “We have found the Messiah,” and brought him to Jesus. What else could he do, he loved his brother.
Simon came, brought by the testimony of one he trusted.
Jesus looked him in the eyes and said, “You are Simon, son of John; you shall be called Peter.”
When we come into his presence we will be changed.
He prophesied over Peter, declaring his strength of character; “You are a rock.”
Later, Jesus found Philip and said, “Follow me.”
Philip found Nathanael…
And so it began, men abandoning the familiar to willingly move into the new.
“I will make you fishers of men…” he said.
They trusted him who was a stranger to them, either through a personal encounter or the convicting testimony.
This is our journey as well, to come and follow the one whom we meet first as a stranger, who then becomes our teacher, our master, our friend, our savior, lord and king.
His presence changes everything; and we are never the same.
Like Andrew and Philip, we share the journey with others who are seeking and hungry, sharing the excitement and the life His presence and revelation brings to us.